
Oh Dears

" A flower dies without the proper care and attention" I wrote that on my facebook recently because Oliver and I had a serious fight. I don't feel like I've been getting attention but apparently he has been... If you think about it the actual cause was really dumb but what we discussed was pretty serious. We were able to somewhat rectify the issue...

Then he went to someone's birthday party. I wanted him to still go and hangout with people, since he planned this event for a while. We were at okay terms at this point or at least I thought we were. He came home incredibly drunk. The last time I saw him this drunk was the first Spring Fling we had together at Hartford. He was acting very strange. So I'm hoping no one drugged his drink or anything. He's still sleeping right now.

He says that I put my career over him... I never really thought about that. Do I? Maybe? I am always doing homework and dreaming of my goals, but I dream of our goals too. So I'm not sure if I truly think of career over him. Other than that, we are mostly on the same page.

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