
a little down

Ah, money... many say it's not the key to happiness, but having it does help. I'd be pretty sad if I couldn't afford food... I can barely afford getting a haircut, which I so totally need! It'll probably be my late Christmas present to myself. My hours at work in January is awful. I took time off so I could fly home, and plans fell through. So now I'm staying in Cali with no hours, no money, and pretty darn homesick. On top of that, the parents aren't too happy that I use the credit card so often. So to start off the New Year, I'm going to be scrimping money. It depresses me to start off like this. It seems like a bad omen but then I do have 365 days to redeem the bad start. Only it'd be nice to spend the New Year in San Fran, like last year. We can't afford the train up there, or a place to stay. I wonder if I can make something sweet at home. I suppose I can figure something out. I am bummed that I can't go to a gallery show my teacher is holding. It sounds like awesome fun.

On a good side I am glad I have Oliver, we had a great Christmas Eve & Day. He was super cute. He woke me up at 7 am to open presents. I made crescents and we played with our presents. It was wonderful. We are both sad we can't get home, but what can we do? Eh, I'll type more later

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